Announcement of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Subject: Plastic Waste Reduction Policy B.E. 2023

Rationale Given the significant environmental impact of plastic waste, which affects ecosystems and public health, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University recognizes the need to play an active role in addressing this issue. This policy aims to reduce plastic waste on campus, promote environmentally friendly materials, and raise awareness among staff and students.


  1. Effectively reduce plastic waste within the university.
    1. Encourage the use of biodegradable or recyclable materials.
    1. Raise awareness and foster sustainable waste management behaviors among staff and students.
    1. Establish leadership in environmental sustainability.

Policy Guidelines and Measures

1. Reduce Single-Use Plastic

  • Prohibit the use and sale of single-use plastic items (e.g., plastic bags, plastic cups, straws) on campus.
    • Encourage campus vendors and cafeterias to use alternative materials, such as cloth bags, paper cups, or reusable containers.

2. Promote Personal Containers

  • Encourage students and staff to use personal containers, bottles, and utensils, with free water refill stations placed conveniently around campus.
    • Offer discounts or benefits to those who bring their containers when purchasing food and drinks in campus facilities.

3. Waste Sorting and Plastic Recycling

  • Establish designated waste sorting stations throughout the university, separating plastic waste, recyclable waste, and general waste.
    • Promote correct plastic waste sorting and ensure recyclable plastic enters the recycling process efficiently.

4. Education and Awareness Campaigns

  • Conduct training sessions, seminars, and activities aimed at building awareness of plastic waste reduction among staff and students on an ongoing basis.
    • Foster a plastic-reduction culture through recommendations, campaign contests, or relevant waste-reduction events.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Regularly monitor and assess the progress of plastic waste reduction initiatives to develop and improve policies as needed.
    • Publish reports on plastic waste reduction achievements within the university to engage the wider community.

Long-Term Goals Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University aims to become a Green University, serving as a model for sustainable plastic waste management and environmental leadership in the region.

Roles of Students and Staff All students and staff are encouraged to actively participate in reducing plastic waste by strictly adhering to the policy. This includes minimizing plastic use, sorting waste, using personal containers, and participating in awareness activities.

This policy takes effect immediately to foster environmental responsibility and participation across all university stakeholders.

Announcement on January 2023